John Kunst - Walked Half Way Round the World
John was born in Caledonia, Minnesota, on January 11, 1947. He graduated
from the University of Minnesota on June 15, 1970, and began walking round
the world with his brother Dave just 5 days later. John was killed by
bandits in Afghanistan on October 21, 1972.
Quotes by John
What John said to an American reporter in 1970, "There are many reasons why I'm
on this walk but the search is the most important."
What John said to his brother Dave during the walk, "I love this
walk and if I die walking round the world you tell Mom and Dad
that I died happy."
Two days before John was shot to death by bandits in Afghanistan he wrote,
"We've learned to appreciate the USA more than we ever did before. It has
nothing to do with being homesick. It's just that the stark reality of life
in these countries makes you realize how lucky Americans really are."